Sunday, September 26

I've slacked off completely...

But I wrote this out and figured I'd post it on here..

They say if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But I think sometimes life hands you lemonade and you just have to enjoy it.

Not too long ago I came across an agency that posts CV's (résumés) for salons. It was a sketchy looking website and you couldn't even upload a document. Out of boredom (mostly I had been sick and funds were low) I posted my half assed CV, with little hope.

A few days later I got some phone calls from various salons but none of them were even decent salons. I thought, "Well Celina, sketchy website equals sketchy salons, or should I say dodgy" Than I got a phone call from a salon. They asked for an actual CV and I did a mini phone interview.

I didn't think anything of it. But than I was asked to do an actual interview with the manager. I started really researching the salon, its an incredible company. I figured what's the harm in an interview. Which turned into a trait test or technical interview with two models, than a second trait test with two more models. I honestly didn't think I would even get an offer. Regardless of skill level, I'm a government issue. That's right, an immigrant.

I still have to be approved by the UK Border Agency to stay. But that's the next step. I've thought long and hard about this. It's a big change and it's not exactly an easy process. But I can't pass up the opportunity. I've been handed lemonade.

I'm going to miss seeing my regular clients, my friends, and my family, I already do. But i've been offered the chance of a lifetime. I'm the only one in my course from the states who has stayed, and only 2 in the entire course of almost 20 to stay in England. I worked hard to get to London to train here, and now I've been offered a chance to work here, to learn more from some amazing stylists, to try out this city, to challenge myself in a completely new way.

I look forward to the adventure, knowing that I'm risking everything, but I just can't pass it up. A good friend of mine told me, "Life won't wait," and it's true, London won't wait either.