Tuesday, November 23

The coin toss

I've been in London now for a little over 5 months. To be completely honest it's probably been the best five months of my life. I love this city, I love everyone I've met, and I can't imagine being with out it.

I'm trying to get my work visa. But this process takes some time. At this point I'm waiting for my sponsorship certificate that allows me to apply for the work visa. The visa I'm currently on runs out in December. So here's my dilema.

On Thursday morning I will be meeting with the solicitor to see if I can either speed up the process or file for an extension. The worse case scenario is that I come back to Florida for a couple of months while I wait for my visa, which takes longer to process when outside the country. Although I was promised that my job offer would stand regardless if I'm sent back.

I know there are much worse situations to be in. It's just hard to imagine a bit of a set back in living/ working in London. The good news is that I can work for a bit to save up more money for London. If I find out I'm coming back I'll start to take appointments for haircuts and colour. Downside is that I would be leaving again for anyone who had finally accepted that I wasn't coming back.

The hope is that I can get things sorted without having to pack up the stuff I need, leave what I can and not to spend the money on two flights particularly during holiday season. If I can apply from with in the country it's only a 4 week wait. If I apply from outside it's probably up to about a 3 month wait.

I'll keep everyone posted on the situation.