Friday, January 25

I finally remembered about this blog.. Mostly due to an email I recieved from someone who stumbled upon it. So I figured an update was due. As I haven't in ages. This is me now, its been two years. And here's a run down of the events.

They always say things happen for a reason. And I am absolutely one of those people that believes that. I came back to the States for Christmas in 2010 and to process my work visa. What ended up happening was not what I expected. Applications were postponed until after the Holidays. Similar to British Television, they take an EXTENDED holiday break. (Seriously, Doctor Who needs to come back already) When they finally reconvened, the result was less than promising. United Kingdom Border Agency basically put a MASSIVE restriction on non-European Union immigrants. Prior to this newly set restriction, they allowed around 150,000 non-EU's. The new restriction, 20,000. This means, they don't want to let in hairstylists when engineers, doctors, nurses, and other white collar professionals are applying. (Side note tangent, one of my housemates who is Canadian with a Master's in Education also couldn't get a working visa) I left my hope in that restriction being set for only one year.

During that time I took up teaching at the Aveda Institute in Orlando. It was an amazing experience, that taught me a lot about people. It was also one of the hardest jobs I have ever done. I respect cosmetology educators so much. But it led me to a find a passion for teaching.

November 2011, I missed the salon and my clients, I felt little hope on getting back into England. London quickly became the boy who's call I desperately waited for, or rather an email from my solicitor or anyone. So being pro-active, and a slight over achiever, I opened my own studio salon. I love being busy and growing a business offered me that, and a new type of challenge.

2012 a New Year... By this point, I had stopped checking the website for the UKBA I had come to terms with the unlikelihood of my return. Than the announcement came, the restriction was extended for two more years. My heart sank. But the reality was that my salon business was growing and shortly after that disappointing new I received unrelated great news.

Currently, I am proud to say I now teach for Davines as a local educator, with a focus in cutting. I travel all over the state sharing the knowledge I learned in London. Those teachers inspired me so much that I strive to be like them. I try to encourage strong technique, precision, and passion for hair. My salon continues to grow, and as a result of teaching, I now also teaching for a fantastic extension company. I'm even up for an audition to become a part of the Davines Local Artist Team. (Wish me luck!)

My heart will ALWAYS miss London. It will ALWAYS be the one that got away. But sometimes what we want isn't what is suppose to happen. I was offered a job in a great salon in London. I had a cute flat. But I never would have learned that I love educating other stylist if had not come back. I wouldn't have opened my own business. I wouldn't have had the opportunities to become an educator and met so many new people, salons, educators and to continue my own education. What I've accomplished in two years is so much more than I would have ever imagined or planned on. I'm so happy with how things turned out. I never say never, I love contradictory phrases. But as for now, I have more than I could ask for, and London would have to offer me more than what I have now to come back....

Sometimes the universe has bigger plans for you than you had for yourself.

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